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EV battery

The world of two-wheeled vehicles is slowly adapting

by:Vglory      2020-06-14
Despite the fact that real motorcycle-lovers seem not to appreciate the electrical low-emission prototypes, because of the essential lack of power and 'voice' respect to the oldest fuel powered sibling, electric scooter represent a reality on which the mechanical industry is investing a lot of energies and will be soon en masse available on the streets (the fill up with electricity is just 0.20E). But what are really the advantages of an electric scooter and its disadvantages? There are a lot of myths to debunk in this sense as- for example- many people think that an electric scooter cannot reach the average speeds, while they can easily reach 60-70km/h reaching also 100 km/h. Some clearness must be done on the battery as it calculates in Ah (measure unit of the electric charge compared to the exhaustion time of the energy); essential from this point of view is the choice of the right battery as all capacities being equal, according to the type of battery, the time of exhaustion changes (lithium batteries guarantees longer performances, but costs double). The power of the scooter doesn't measure in cv, but in watt, and the average power of an electric scooter is around 1000watt, even if it is desirable the purchase of a 2000-3000watt in case you know that your daily way has many uphill. Moreover when talking about the price, you hit a nerve, as it is still much more higher than the rest of the fuel scooters, even if the trend is falling; obviously the bigger initial investment is balanced from future lower running costs, as the fill up with electricity is around 0.20E, and moreover for the firsts five years in Italy you can take advantage of a tax relief which schedules that the property tax has to be paid just from the sixth year and will be about one quarter of the tax that fuel scooter's owners pay; another advantage is to have the scooter serviced, as it costs half. The only running cost that remains the same is the insurance that- with rare differences- costs the same. The doubt that make Italian be unsure about the electrical scooter, doesn't concern electrical components or running costs, but the scarcity- or even lack, in some cases- of filling stations for electrical vehicles in Italy; the only exception is the City of Firenze which counts now 109 charge points around the city area. Therefore currently all the Italian people who have an electric scooter or decide to buy it, have to calculate properly the length of the way according to the duration of the charge, in order to be able to come back home to recharge the scooter.
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