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EV battery

The sulfide reasons and principle of electric vehicle battery

by:Vglory      2020-09-19
Electric vehicle battery is a category of lead-acid batteries in lead-acid batteries have a vulcanization process, this belongs to the inevitable rule, like nature 'physical', have it the end of the period, how to avoid accelerated its curing time, the need to use the party to know note; Electric vehicle battery charging, positive plate lead dioxide ( PbO2) , under the action of water molecules in sulfuric acid solution, a small amount of lead dioxide and water generated can dissociation of volatile substance - Hydrogen dioxide ( Pb ( 哦) 4) And hydroxyl ions in solution, lead ions ( Pb4) On the positive plate, reason is lack of electronic plate, negative plate is lead ( Pb) With sulfuric acid in the electrolyte ( H2SO4) React to lead ions ( Pb2) , lead ions transferred to the electrolyte, the negative plate on the left spare two electrons ( 2 e) 。 Visible, when not on open circuit ( The battery open circuit) , as a result of chemical action, is lack of electronic plate, negative plate on excess electrons, creates a certain potential difference between the two plates, this is the electromotive force of the battery. Normal electric vehicle battery during discharge form lead sulfate crystallization, charging more easily to lead. If the battery improper use and maintenance, often under charge or discharge, for example, will gradually form a thick hard on the cathode lead sulfate. The lead sulfate charging is difficult to restore, in the conventional way for charging voltage is very high, due to the charging charging accept ability is very poor, a lot of product gas. This kind of phenomenon usually occurs at the cathode, referred to as irreversible sulfate. Lack of electrolyte; Electrolyte containing impurities or battery internal short circuit, causing internal self-discharge, to form effective substances, long lead sulfate; Often make lead-acid battery discharge excessive or excessive deep discharge, small current A lack of proper charging or charging is not enough, often on a regular basis more or less the imperfect part in the active material failed to restore the lead sulfate; The electrolyte density too high or too high, too low temperature. The electrolyte to generate heat, in the process of configuration must be cooled to 30 ℃ to 10 ℃ when insert the battery, the temperature too high or too low electrolyte battery performance influence; Internal short circuit fault, failed to timely eliminate; Prolonged half discharge discharge ( Such as xie electricity) State; After discharge, without timely supplement electricity in 24 hours. These factors cause battery capacity decline, and even become the cause of the electric vehicle battery life termination. More electric vehicle battery news: / shownews. asp吗? id = 662 & 风格= 52
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