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Lead-acid battery plate sulfuric acid salinization problems?

by:Vglory      2020-09-22
Sulfating refers to the lead-acid battery positive and negative plate is formed on the irreversible lead sulfate saline coarse crystalline form a layer of white lead sulfate. The crystals are difficult to eliminate during normal charging, degree of the formation of sulfate has a lot to do with lead-acid battery capacity, sulfide, capacitance is less, until discarded, plate sulphation of many factors, mainly is the lead-acid battery storage time is too long, because the plate in the active material surface with sulfuric acid, lead to the surface of the active material of lead sulfate lose ionization effect after aging. Lead-acid battery charged shelved in the discharge state, failed to timely to recharge the battery after discharge, solution of liquid density too high or not pure, can make the surface of the active substances in the positive and negative plate forming sulfide. So the sulfating is lead to plate active substances of the main causes of failure of scrapped. ( A) Plate of the sulfuric acid salinization phenomenon are as follows: 1 the sulfuric acid salinization battery during discharge, significantly lower than the other normal battery capacity. 2 the electrolyte density drops below normal, and it is backward for a long period of time. 3 in the process of charging voltage rise quickly, up to 2. About 9 volt/single ( Normal 2. 7 v/single or so) , and soon, in the process of discharge voltage within 1 ~ 2 hours reduced to 1. Around 8 volts ( 10 hours rate discharge) 。 4 charging bubbled too early in the process. 5 color plate and not normal. Positive plate a shallow brown ( Normal for dark brown) , lead sulfate plate surface is white spots, negative plate are pale ( Normal grey) , fingers touch the plate surface feel rough particles of lead sulfate crystallization, and plate stiffness. ( 2) Lead-acid battery plate sulfate treatment method of charging method 1. Applicable to the sulfuric acid salinization is not very serious battery. Pour out of the electrolyte in the battery and immediately join the pure water, liquid level higher than plate around 20 mm, with 0. 1 c20a recharged ( C20 battery rated capacity) 。 When the voltage up to 2. 5 v/single, at half an hour, to switch to 0. In 025 c20a small current sucks (day and night More than 100 hours) Has been to stable, such as voltage, the proportion of white spots on plate disappeared. Stop charging 1 hour before adjusting the electrolyte density is 1. 28g/ml。 2 repeatedly charging method. Sulfuric acid salinization is serious, the capacity is only half the normal cells. Pour out the liquid electrolyte and immediately join the pure water, liquid level is higher than plate 20 mm or so. With 0. 1 c20a charging current, voltage rises to 2. 5 v/cell, at half an hour, to switch to 0. 05 c20a charging current charge to have big bubbles at half an hour, to switch to 0. 05 c20a charging into the stable, such as voltage, density at half an hour, again electrify, electrolyte immediately boiling phenomena, 10 minutes voltage that is up to the last value, at the end of the charging or stop to refill again. Charged the battery after using 0. 05 c20a discharge current, discharge to the voltage of 1. 80 v/cell, let stand for 1 ~ 2 hours with 0. 05 c20a charging current, good again after discharge, such as the capacity is not much, white spots and not eliminate to charge and discharge, repeatedly for several days and nights in a row, until discharge is close to the rated capacity, completely eliminate white spot. 3 water therapy ( Repeated charge and discharge method) 。 Applicable to the sulfuric acid salinization is very serious, battery capacity has amounted to less than half the rated capacity. The battery discharge to voltage of 1. 8 v/( With current 10 hours rate) , will pour out, electrolyte injection of pure water, liquid level is higher than plate around 20 mm, let stand for 1 ~ 2 hours, with 0. 05 c20a charging to electrolyte density rose to 1. 1 ~ 1. 2 g/m1, switch to 0. 02 c20a charging to the electrolyte density rise, no longer even bubbled, with 0. 02 c20a discharge in 2 hours. And then with 0. 02 c20a charging until smooth out bubbles, pay attention to filling the battery should be far more than out electricity, repeatedly so weeks or a month, until with 0. 05C2。 Discharge check reached more than 75% of the rated capacity.
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