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Why can't there be no electric cars?

by:Vglory      2021-05-11
Why can’t there be no electric bicycles?    Because electric bicycles are no longer a simple means of transportation for couriers, food delivery personnel, and countless people in ordinary jobs, but also an important obstacle to their participation in basic social work functions. It has been involved. To feed the family’s livelihood. Why can’t there be no electric bicycles, because our lives are inseparable from them!    Because since 1998, the electric bicycle industry has been developing for more than ten years, providing the country with 200 billion yuan in GDP and 10 billion yuan in tax profits every year. 6 million job opportunities. Why can't there be no electric bicycles, because we want to have a better life!    Because of the increase in 'blocking cities'. The huge long queue of cars has increased commuting time, continuous acceleration and braking have increased fuel consumption, and the sound of engines has reduced the quality of life in the metropolitan area. Why can't there be no electric bicycles, because we want to have a smooth traffic environment!    Because of the raging smog, it is a luxury to breathe clean air! The smog is more terrible than SARS, and boiling frogs in warm water is only a matter of time! Data from the 'Practical Handbook' shows that: an electric vehicle can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by nearly half a ton each year, which is equivalent to the emission reduction effect of planting 26 trees! 200 million electric vehicles are equivalent to the emission reduction effect of planting 5.2 billion trees! Why not electric bicycles Ban, because we want a clean sky where our children can run under the sky!    Electric vehicles are the main means of transportation for hundreds of millions of people. Its right of way is not only about the entire industry, but also about the lives of hundreds of millions of people. The fight for the right of way for electric vehicles requires you, me and him to fight together! Previous: What are the culprits that damage the batteries of electric vehicles?
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