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What are the reasons why the Ni-MH rechargeable battery cannot be charged?

by:Vglory      2021-05-12
The internal reasons why the Ni-MH rechargeable battery cannot be charged 1. The battery has zero voltage or the combination battery contains a zero voltage battery. The zero voltage of the battery is actually a substandard product, and it does not reach the specific rated capacity and voltage value when it leaves the factory. . 2. Reverse working current, chemical reaction occurs again, and the battery is old-there is no way to chemical reaction again, especially the electronic components integrated into the maintenance power circuit will endanger the maintenance of the power circuit at any time after the above-mentioned situation occurs again The performance of the functional modules can not be checked scientifically and reasonably to guide the charger link. 3. The charger cannot guarantee the standard voltage (AA is about 1.3V, there will be discrepancies in the fully intelligent)-there is no way to guarantee sufficient forward voltage. The external reason why the nickel-metal hydride rechargeable battery cannot be charged will also be 1. Charging If there is a problem with the equipment, there is no output voltage. If this kind of problem occurs, you should only put the battery on another charger of the same model. 2. Unsuitable charger area environment. Both chargers and rechargeable batteries have their own processing environment, which crosses any one of the restrictions between the two. Whether it is continuous high temperature or ultra-low temperature, it will make the charger unable to get on. 3. The charger and the battery do not match, especially the difference in the design of the charging working current between the unmatched charger and the lithium battery will cause the charger's working current to be too large in an instant, and the lithium battery will perform over-current protection to stop the charger. To solve this kind of mismatch, especially pay attention not to mix the Ni-MH charger with the lithium battery charger, and try not to use the multi-function charger with some universal chargers. Disclaimer: Some pictures and content of articles published on this site are from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete. Previous: Compared with lithium batteries, what are the characteristics of polymer batteries?
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