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What are the reasons for the bulging of the battery?

by:Vglory      2021-05-13
Through contact with battery professional and technical personnel, we know that there are many reasons for the bulging of the battery due to the hot weather, 60% of which are mainly caused by the following three points: 1. The electric vehicle charger is exposed to high temperature to charge the battery, the charger Parameter drift. As the weather gets hot, many electric vehicle users don't notice the charger's cooling when charging the battery. When the charger charges the battery, it generates heat. If it is exposed to high temperatures, it will easily cause the charger parameters to drift. Especially for some chargers with poor quality, it is more common to have this parameter drift at high temperature. When the battery is fully charged, the charger with the parameter drift cannot turn on the lights in time and is still charging the battery. After many times, The battery is naturally easy to charge. 2. Charge the battery as soon as the electric vehicle stops, and the battery will have time to cool down in the future. When an electric vehicle is riding, the battery itself will heat up. In addition to the hot weather, the temperature of the battery can even reach 70°C or more. Charging the battery at this time will aggravate the battery’s water loss, reduce the battery’s service life, and aggravate it. The risk of battery flushing. 3. Charge the battery under direct sunlight, which will aggravate the battery's water loss. The battery will also heat up during the charging process. If it is charged in direct sunlight, it will also cause the battery to lose water, cause damage to the battery, and cause swelling. When the weather gets hot, try to charge the electric car in the shade or in the evening. At present, battery manufacturers impose relatively heavy penalties on battery bulging. Once the battery is swollen, it may face price reduction penalties. Usually, when selling electric vehicles and replacing batteries, they should remind customers more and reduce their own troubles. Disclaimer: Some pictures and content of articles published on this site are from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete. Previous post: What are the correct charging methods for lead-acid batteries and lithium iron phosphate batteries?
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