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What are the important contaminants in an exploded lithium-ion battery?

by:Vglory      2021-04-30
In daily life, lithium-ion batteries can be seen almost everywhere, from electric cars to computer motherboard batteries. Lithium-ion batteries have become an indispensable part of people. We often see various safety accidents caused by lithium-ion batteries. The most impressive thing is the explosion and fire of lithium-ion batteries. So is the inhalation of lithium-ion battery harmful? Let's take a look at the author of the Baibai Safety Net. Compared with traditional batteries such as lead-acid, nickel-chromium, and nickel-metal hydride, lithium-ion batteries will not produce any toxic and harmful heavy metal elements and substances such as lead, mercury, and cadmium after they explode, and they are relatively less polluting, so they are called new environmentally friendly batteries. In recent years, it has developed rapidly and is widely used in fields such as mobile phones, computers, new energy vehicles, and electric vehicles. In the event of a fire and explosion, lithium ion batteries have the following important pollutants that will diffuse into the environment: 1. Lithium cobalt oxide, as the positive electrode of the battery, may diffuse into the air in the form of dust powder in the accident. There is a certain degree of carcinogenicity, and the relevant occupational exposure standards are relatively low, which may cause a certain degree of environmental pollution to the accident site in a short time. 2. Fluoride (LiPF6, LiAsF6), as the electrolyte of the battery, may form hydrogen fluoride HF at the accident site, and there is a certain corrosive and toxic gas. 3. Organic solvent (NMP), the full name of N-methylpyrrolidone, is used as a dispersant for the positive electrode of the battery. The organic solvent is a dangerous chemical with certain irritation and reproductive toxicity, and is flammable (flash point 86℃). At the scene of the accident May form harmful vapors. 4. Black smoke and toxic gases from the process of burning construction, decoration materials and raw and auxiliary materials. 5. Fire-fighting wastewater from the process of fire-fighting and fire-fighting, as well as sewage from rain washing. Disclaimer: Some pictures and content of articles published on this site are from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete. Previous: What's wrong with lithium-ion battery electric vehicles
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