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Electric lift trucks in the lithium battery charging basics

by:Vglory      2020-09-11
Electric lift trucks in the lithium battery belong to a system of electrical energy into mechanical energy, when the power output is finished, must be added to its current, otherwise the battery will be useless, put aside for battery active material loss, normal should be and forklift battery charging current of certain proportion, such as: 48 v400ah, with a capacity of 0. 14 times, can meet the basic requirements, more than the current value, overcharge, the battery electrolyte volatile too fast, once produce peculiar smell, so a forklift battery plate off powder, overcharge for capacity drops is soon, in order to avoid impact to the forklift battery, we must learn the correct way of charging, can according to this to do: uniform current distribution on the plate, resistance small, can reduce the wastage of the charging current. Battery gas chromatography, thin bamboo cover around the anode anode, increase the battery internal resistance, exacerbating the ohm polarization, affect the efficiency of charging current. Battery positive electrode active material thickness and porosity. If the active material porosity large thin plate, good diffusion, electrolyte is reduced polarization. The depth of discharge. The deeper the depth of discharge, the positive active material Pbo: greatly reduced and the cathode active material Pb, need to increase in the number of material transformation by charging, charging that take part in the reaction product is more, so as to improve the charge acceptance, we do not recommend the charger to the largest, break everyone knows this truth, nasty imitation is very hurt electric lift trucks in the lithium battery. The news comes from:
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