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Common lithium battery 10 big questions

by:Vglory      2020-12-05
Source: 2020 - 03 - 25 'hits: ordinary lithium battery 10 questions 1. How new lithium batteries work? Charging or discharging? How do I charge? The factory has been activated, the battery before charging, normal use. 2, just start using the new battery, voltage imbalance, after a few times, normal again, what's the problem? Mainly because although individual batteries in the battery matching is good, but there are still self-discharge of individual differences, different from the factory to the user a new battery, often have more than three months time, monomer battery during this time will be different, because self-discharge show different voltage, battery voltage difference is big, Namely. , unbalanced) ; Because now the charger has a balance of function on market, so the general imbalance will be through the charger to repair. 3. Lithium battery should be stored in the environment? Store in a cool and dry environment, room temperature 15 35 ℃, environment humidity 65% 4. Lithium electricity for how long? A: how many cycle you can usually use? What factors affect the life? Model of lithium battery can be used 100 times or so commonly, the main factors influencing the service life are: 1. Temperature: the battery cannot be overheating environment ( 35℃) Use or store; 2. Charging and discharging. Battery charging and discharging shall not be excessive, the single battery voltage should be 4. 2 v to 3. Between 0 v. 3. Choosing the best power model, avoid battery was forced to use under overload conditions. 5. The new lithium battery need to activate? If you don't activate it will have effect? Do not need to activate, new battery from the factory to the user, typically have more than 3 months time, the battery will be dormant, not suitable for high intensity discharge immediately, otherwise it will affect the efficiency and life of battery. 6, the new battery, what is the reason for charging? Zero battery, battery resistance is big, the charger mode is not correct. 7. Lithium battery C number mean? 'C' is the symbol of battery capacity, and the current is the symbol of the 'I' is the same meaning, 'C' represents a multiplier we used to say, that is, the battery can work on the basis of the rated capacity is the abbreviation of, 2200 mah20c, for example, 20 C to determine the current 2200 ma batteries can be normal work & times; 20 = 44000 horses; 20 c discharge refers to the current 44000 ma, the discharge the battery. 8. What is the best storage lithium battery voltage? How much is the average price of battery factory? In the 3 single voltage. 70-3. Between 90 v, general factory can take 30 - 60% of the battery. How much is the normal pressure difference between a single battery? If more than rated pressure difference? New battery within one month from the date of production of 30 mv is about 0. 3 V is normal, the battery for a long time more than three months, you can use the 100 mv or 0. 1 V above the rated pressure of the battery can be used to balance the function of intelligent charger 2 to 3 times of small current charging and discharging cycle ( 1) The differential pressure, can repair the vast majority of the battery pack. 10. After a full charge can be stored for a long time? Battery full storage time not more than 7 days; The battery is best to separate 3. 70 - 3. 90 voltage state storage, which is beneficial to extend battery life. If long time not to use, should guarantee every 1 - 2 months to charge and discharge.
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