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'ChaoBiaoChe is in danger,' electric car industry how to break the siege?

by:Vglory      2020-10-29
After shenzhen guangzhou 'ward power rationing, Beijing also closely follow up. So to changan avenue and 10 main road to take measures for electric cars is closed. Then, chengdu, hangzhou will also be followed. In recent days, about the shenzhen guangzhou for electric cars to ban the serious way, so as to make the shenzhen guangzhou implements' five ban: ban, the oil, ban, forbid, and the operation, is the electric vehicles as a harmful molecules to deal with and give thoroughly remove. As for the electric vehicle for people to travel demand and the need for local economic development, the local government to ignore anything. From shenzhen to guangzhou for electric vehicles' five ban, guangdong electric car industry has been hit hard. Why is shenzhen for electric vehicles to take this' guts' practice in guangzhou? In simple terms, the local consumers to use electric cars belong to 'excess' car, in violation of the 1999 of the general technical conditions 'electric bicycle', namely, the old national standard related requirements: namely, electric bicycle should not exceed 20 km per hour, vehicle quality does not contain batteries shall not be greater than 40 kg core index. But, as for the specific content of the old gb serious lag, the break has entered the highly development of electric vehicle industry, local government has turned a deaf ear. New national standard of electric cars now in an awkward situation: on the one hand, society after many years of repeated coordination and backbone enterprises to formulate carefully and fully considering the electric bike industry development needs and different parts of traffic demand draft 13 SongShenGao is already in the can't modify the finalized version, submit to the national related department; Four ministries and commissions such as country, on the other hand, the public security, industry and commerce issued the mandatory national standard new article 6 revision guidance, do perform required industry association. In fact, the draft 13 SongShenGao were serious departure from the national standard new six: draft 13 SongShenGao specific to electric vehicles is divided into three types of intelligence, namely power, electric three types, weight contain batteries shall not be greater than 40 kg respectively, 48 kg and 55 kg; Speed for all greater than 25 km/h; Here special stress is that each city can according to local traffic conditions to perform one of these models included in the corresponding to the local traffic management; Therefore, draft 13 SongShenGao in each city have to fully consider the particularity, also give full consideration to the traffic in every region of the situation of our country. Instead, the new national standard six specific to 1. With functions of pedal cycling; 2. The vehicle weight contain battery shall not be greater than 55 kg; 3. Speed shall not be greater than 25 km/h; 4. Shall not be greater than 48 v battery voltage; 5. Motor shall not be greater than 400 w power; 6. Intelligent power cycling. A comparison between the contents of the can't see, regardless of the four ministries and commissions of the state of the differences between cities in our country, special simple adopted a one-size-fits-all approach; Instead, draft 13 SongShenGao from association and enterprise, also combined with the present situation of the electric vehicle industry development and our country all the traffic characteristics of the city. Now industry association and the national related department the relationship has been in a standoff and confrontation state. However, this standoff confrontation with the longer is more adverse to the development of electric vehicle industry. Lithium-ion batteries, electric vehicles, lithium battery manufacturer, storage battery manufacturer scooter battery manufacturers, product by the supervision and inspection institute of guangdong province, through international CE certification, by the ping an insurance company of China national group, two years warranty, the first in the New Year. Details please consult the online customer service, or call. This article from: electric dealer love
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