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Can look at the electric car policy, your electric car on the road?

by:Vglory      2020-11-01
Electric cars should be on the road? Electric vehicles to hit the road what is the standard? These questions that haven't been inconclusive. New gb again 'does not appear, or around the management of electric vehicles on the road to look at. In June this year, shenzhen city, guangdong province, guangdong province launched a so-called history's most severe 'ward power rationing, target in subway stations, bus station and other places illegally soliciting illegal behaviors, and exceeds bid badly, without the licensing of electric vehicles, motorcycles, examining, greatly influenced citizens travel and express' last mile 'implementation. The rules published like 'a stone up, know the discussions of the shenzhen ban electric didn't stop now. But in May, the people's government of guangdong province about implementation opinion 'to promote the development of express industry in our province has been through recently, debate has long 'express special electric vehicles' in guangdong to become a reality. 'Opinion' key to specification of express business special vehicles, including allowing 'express special electric vehicles for urban service charge. Xiamen on March 30, xiamen, xiamen municipal people's government of the site and the bla website announced the city public security bureau to draft the provisions of xiamen special economic zone electric bicycle management regulations draft text. Opinions from the general public and the society from all walks of life. The administration of the xiamen special economic zone electric bicycle certain rules ( The draft of the draft) 'Regulation, the Amoy area, the lake district, may not sell electric bikes, shall not register a electric bicycle. At the same time, the Amoy area, the lake district, electric bicycle on road is prohibited. The rules shall enter into force as of February 1, 2017. Nanchang on June 8, the 'regulations on the administration of nanchang city electric bicycle', Hereinafter referred to as the regulations) 25 the province the 12th National People's Congress standing committee meeting examined and approved, will take effect on September 1, much-maligned electric bicycle illegal phenomenon such as ride will be incorporated into the legal regulation. 'Byelaw' regulation, in nanchang, production and sales of electric vehicles shall meet the national standards, and has been incorporated into the province related departments of the motor vehicle registration registration product catalog, market and quality supervisory and administrative departments shall strengthen their supervision and inspection of production and sales of electric vehicles. The regulations for electric bicycle registration registration made specific provision: the catalogue of electric bicycle into the province, the traffic administrative department of the public security organ shall register, not included in the province product catalogue will not be registered. Electric bicycle all people shall within 30 days from the date of purchase, apply for registration to the public security traffic administration. Before the implementation of the regulations to buy electric bicycle, shall be 90 days from the date of implementation of the regulations, apply for registration to the public security traffic administration. Electric bicycle registration registration, information collection, rubbing number, replacement or redemption registration certificate, plate, do not charge any fee. Huizhou huizhou, according to the joint mandate by the department of public security bureau and other five 'about overweight auto delisting on back, 1 April this year, the city without the registration of electric vehicle ban on the road, negotiate with the vendors for March 31 in accord with national standard of electric vehicles. On October 1, has the registration of electric vehicles will stop in the city. On April 1 solstice during September 30, the owner to the designated place transfer of cars may receive 500 yuan each government subsidies ( A specific place and for further notice) Standard, or find merchants buy electric cars. Haikou according to the newly revised 'haikou electric bicycle management method', 'passenger should be positive seat behind the driver ', and 'driver and passenger should wear safety helmet. The two rules are 'management method' (7) and item 9 of article 37. Learned, increase the two rules, main purpose is to regulate the electric bicycle driver's driving behavior, safeguard the driver and passenger safety. If a violation of the above two rules, according to the measures for the administration of the haikou city electric bicycle, paragraph 1 of article 51 of giving drivers fined $40. Xiangyang xiangyang city traffic police detachment on June 12, announced that from now on, the electric car ( The electric bicycle) Registration will be in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the state and to follow the two hard leverage: should not exceed 20 kilometers per hour, with functions of foot. Xiangyang city electric vehicle registration, besides must provide the vehicle certificate, purchase invoices, also must follow two hard leverage: no more than 20 kilometers per hour; Vehicles must be installed with pedal device. The general owners when buying electric cars, must carefully check whether the vehicle and the ministry announcement related to vehicle models exactly lithium-ion batteries, electric lithium battery manufacturers, product by the supervision and inspection institute of guangdong province, through international CE certification, national group by China ping an insurance company, a two-year warranty, the first in the New Year. For details, please consult the online customer service, or call, the free phone service.
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