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Calculation method of electrolyte consumption of industrial lithium battery

by:Vglory      2021-03-02
Calculation method of electrolyte consumption of industrial lithium battery Industrial lithium battery is composed of auxiliary materials such as positive electrode, negative electrode plate, gap, electrolyte and shell electrode ears. The battery coating can be used as a composite material, which is mainly composed of three parts: (1) active material particles; (2) a mixed phase of conductive agent and binder; (3) pores need to be supplemented with electrolyte. The barrier is also porous, so on the one hand, it keeps electrons out, on the other hand, it has to fill the electrolyte to allow lithium ions to pass through. Therefore, the electrolyte volume of an industrial lithium battery is mainly the pores to be filled in the gap between the electrode plate and the electrode plate, and the pore volume is the volume consumed by the electrolyte. Electrolyte volume u003d positive plate pore volume + negative plate pore volume + interstitial pore body The calculation method of the pore volume of the positive plate and the gap is: the pore volume of the plate u003d (length × width × thickness of each plate coating) × number of plates × porosity Interstitial pore volume u003d interstitial area × thickness × porosity. Taking into account that in addition to the battery cell, there is still unfilled space inside the shell (it can also be calculated according to the battery plan), and there will be residual electrolyte in these places, namely: actual electrolyte volume u003d Total pore volume + remaining electrolyte volume The remaining volume of lithium batteries in the hard shell industry is relatively large, and the actual electrolyte consumption is much greater than the theoretical value. The remaining space of the soft-clad battery is generally sufficient, and the amount of remaining electrolyte is appropriate. The internal space utilization of the cylindrical battery is high, and the amount of remaining electrolyte is small. Gap thickness and porosity material manufacturers will supply, for example, a thickness of 25 microns and a porosity of 49%. According to the battery plan or directly disassemble the battery, measure the length and width of the gap, calculate the gap area, so that the amount of electrolyte required for the gap can be calculated. Disclaimer: Some pictures and content of the articles published on this site are from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete. Previous: Talk about the gap in lithium battery technology at home and abroad
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